How Charter Schools Are Changing Education

If you’re a parent, and you’re looking into schools for your kids, you’ve probably already looked into public and private […]

Why USI?

The Indianapolis Schools That Help EVERY Child Succeed Your child’s education is the launchpad for the rest of their life, […]

Not Just a Job, But a Home

How USI Helps Teachers Thrive Teaching is one of the hardest jobs there is. Because a teacher is never just […]

10 Easy Ways to Help Your Kids with Homework

It’s probably safe to say homework was not your favorite thing growing up. So, it’s probably not your favorite thing […]

How to Get the Most Out of Your Parent-Teacher Conference

As much as we love our children, let’s face it…they’re not the most reliable source when it comes to knowing […]

Keeping Your Kids Entertained When the Weather is Bad

It’s the dead of winter, and some days it seems the sun will never come out again. Especially if you […]

New Year Celebrations Around the World

The New Year is a time to reset, reflect…and celebrate! When you think of New Year’s celebrations here in the […]

9 Ways to Give Back During the Holiday Season

We all have so much to be thankful for, and the holidays are a great opportunity to give thanks, count […]

7 Holiday Decorations You Can Make with Your Kids

The festive season is nearly upon us, and we’re already starting to see all sorts of holiday decorations in store […]

A Parent’s Guide to Bullying

On some level, “kids will be kids.” And that means a lot of laughing, teasing, and joking around. But when […]